Avery Williamson on Active Release Techniques

November 19, 2014

5ca9b5_f93925a2c85d46e0806760488e173ebe.jpg_srz_p_300_417_75_22_0.50_1.20_0Avery Williamson, the wonderful and talented football player, is a patient of Dr. Mike’s and has greatly benefited from treatments in ART (Active Release Techniques).  Avery played football at the University of Kentucky and now we are wishing Avery the best of luck as he awaits the 2014 NFL Draft!

Here’s what Avery had to say about the treatment he received from Dr. Mike: “Sullivan Chiropractic & Wellness was a huge part of my success at the NFL Combine this year. I had tried other techniques for my lower back tightness, but nothing has measured up to the ART work that Dr. Mike has done for me. I strongly recommend his services to anyone I meet.”  According to WKYT’s article yesterday, “Williamson made a name for himself as one of the most productive linebackers in the SEC, but it was his workouts at the NFL combine in February that drew the scout’s attention.”

Sullivan Chiropractic & Wellness is proud to have been a part of Avery’s training and preparation regimen and will be cheering for him during the draft!  Good Lucky Avery!